Privacy Policy

Play SS TECH VENTURE Private Limited ("SS TECH VENTURE", "we" or "us") recognizes that its customers, visitors, users, and others (collectively or individually "Users") who use games, applications, and other services hosted by SS TECH VENTURE (collectively, the "SS TECH VENTURE Sites") value their privacy. This Privacy Policy details important information regarding the use and disclosure of User information collected on the SS TECH VENTURE Sites. SS TECH VENTURE provides this Privacy Policy to help you make an informed decision about whether to use or continue using the SS TECH VENTURE Sites.
This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the SS TECH VENTURE Terms of Service. Your use of the SS TECH VENTURE Sites and any personal information you provide on the SS TECH VENTURE Sites remain subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. If you access the SS TECH VENTURE Sites from a third-party social networking site or with the aid of a downloadable application on your device, you may also be required to read and accept the third party's terms of service and privacy policy.


We, SS TECH VENTURE are committed to protecting the privacy of our users ("you" or "users"). The objective of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about how we collect, store and use the information you provide in connection with the use and access of the game on a social network including any content in connection with the same on our server side infrastructure, ("Service"). This policy applies solely to the information (more particularly defined below) collected by us in the course of your use of the Service. This Privacy Policy forms part of our Terms.


You are responsible to be aware of and agree to abide by this Privacy Policy and any amendments made thereto from time to time. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information in terms of this Privacy Policy.


Subject to your compliance with Terms of Service, we grants you a revocable, non-exclusive limited license to access and use the Services. This license is non-transferable. You agree to use the Service for your own non-commercial purposes. You play some games to win chips, which is virtual currency or virtual money. You do not play with real money. The chips you lose or win have no value in real money. At times you may “earn” or “buy or purchase” virtual currency and virtual in-game items. These virtual currency and items do not refer to any credit balance of real currency or its equivalent. we reserves the right to terminate the license of any user without giving any reason. If we believes that a user has acquired chips from unauthorized sources and from sources that violate the terms of the service, it has right to take away all or a part of the total chips with the user.


When you register for obtaining the Services, we may collect and record the information you provide or consent to provide us, whether through the Service or through any other network or third party services. "Information" comprises of "Personal Information" and "Non-Personal Information" as defined below: "Account Information" includes your User ID and your password and any account security information provided by you for resetting your password; "Personal information" is such information which can be used to identify your identity or to communicate with you, whether directly obtained by us or from through a third party provider or network, and presently includes, without limitation, the following: (1) Your name; (2) Your network or third party service User ID; (3) Cellular device's configuration and identification number; (4) Cellular Service number when you sign up for SMS notifications; (5) Your identifier for purchase transactions; (6) Your email address; (7) Your picture; (8) Your user identification number; (9) Your address; (10) Any other relevant information included in your application, social network or other online profile. "Non-Personal information" is information that is by itself insufficient to either identify you or communicate with you and may be solicited by us. This may include, but is not limited to your: (1) Date of birth and age; (2) Gender (3) The specifications of the computer systems and internet services that you use; (4) Information about software and application use or preference (5) Information about your websites and online services preferences; (6) Your cellular service features and provider details; (7) Your location; (8) browser type, Mac address (9) Any other similar information about you which may be relevant to our purpose. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we may, for the purposes stated herein, collect Information about your occupation, language, postal code and location, as well as Information about your computer, cellular device, software, platform, incident reports, Internet Protocol (IP) address, network address and connection, browser, ref pages, URLs, clicks, domains, pages accessed, time spent overall and on each page, activity date and time. In addition, you consent to our collection and use of all Information that you provided to any social network, a cellular services provider or any third party provider used to connect with or access the Service and agreed with such party to share such Information with us. We may also employ third parties to collect Information or any part thereof, to provide email delivery services or to facilitate any other aspect of our activity or interaction with you. 1. This app contains a software development kit (“SDK”) from a third party: Firebase , Facebook, Freshchat, Kochava , Bugly , Sentry ,Cocos Creator Engine. Their SDK is integrated with this app for the purposes of profiling the device on media consumption and other device data and utilizing the same to target relevant content to the device (“Services”) pursuant to the terms and conditions of their Services. 2. Their SDK does not collect any personally identifiable information or audio/video/image/contact files from your mobile device. For any questions or clarifications please reach out to: 3. Them also automatically receives and tracks certain data about your mobile device (such as your device-type, installed software and language preference) or desktop interface; and may create a unique device or user ID for you. In some cases, Their SDK can automatically detect or infer your location using GPS, your IP address, etc., but often your operating system will require you to grant Their SDK permission to access your GPS settings; please refer to your device’s system settings regarding location services.


The predominant purposes of collecting Information from you are to help improve the Service, fulfill your requests, resolve your issues and support your transactions. In addition, we may use your Information in a form that is not personally identifiable to help us in analyzing various aspects of user behavior for the purpose of improving our Services. We may use your Information in communicating with our users, including, but not limited to the purpose of promoting our Services to you and other users and disseminating information about products, new features, improvements, offers, upgrades, contests and other material of interest. You may have an option to opt out of some information of this nature. For the purpose stated herein, we can share any aggregated Non-Personal Information with parties who help up in analyzing such information.
Use of Personal and Non-Personal Information may be done separately or in such combinations as may be suitable for the relevant purpose. Our friend referral and/or finders, whether provided directly through the Service or through a network or other third party provider, will help you communicate with your contacts and will allow them to associate your account maintained with us with profile and/or email address when you choose to access friend referral on the Service. If you choose to use this, we may ask you for your friend's name and email address to send emails or messages on your behalf inviting him or her to try out the Service. We may retain such information for a limited time solely for sending some reminders messages.
All Information collected by us will be used only for the purpose specified herein. We restrict access of your Information to our employees, partners, service providers, affiliates, tracking utility companies, contractors and agents and only allow access to those who need to know that information and only in order to process it on our behalf. Your Information may be archived by us for future reference. You are aware and consent that we may employ several third parties to facilitate us in providing the Services or to provide some part of the Services on our behalf.
In the event you do not wish that we use your Information for any of the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy, you may close your account by uninstalling our application. All users of the Service consent to the use of Information for the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy.
Message Boards and Chat You may choose to disclose any information about yourself or about any person or organization in the course of generating any user initiated content. Any information voluntarily provided by you without any indication or request generated from us shall not be protected under this Privacy Policy. You shall be responsible for all consequences of disclosing any information about yourself or about any person or organization in such manner.
Exceptions to Restriction in Disclosure of Information or Account Information You understand and agree that we may be required to disclose any Information or Account Information by a competent legal authority or that we may voluntarily choose to disclose any such Information or Account Information under reasonable belief that this is necessary for any lawful purpose. We will be under no legal obligation to either inform you about the presence of such request or contest such a request for Information or Account Information whatsoever.
Reorganization or Change of Control
In the event of change of control, corporate reorganization or any other event which alters the beneficial ownership of SS TECH VENTURE or there is a change in ownership of the business for the purpose of which such Information or Account Information is created or collected, you grant unrestricted consent to us to transfer all the Information or Account Information together with the commercial interest in the successor in interest of SS TECH VENTURE or the owner of the business that will provides the Service.


We take appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of Information and Account Information. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store Account Information and Information. We have an information security program and information security policies which contain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures adopted by us for that purpose. While we have taken appropriate measures to protect the security of Account Information and Information, we do not guarantee absolute protection from security breach. Further, data which is transmitted over the Internet is inherently exposed to security risks or threats. Therefore, we also cannot guarantee any security for such information in the course of transmission through the internet infrastructure or any unsolicited disclosures made by any user availing the Services. You are advised that if you become aware or suspect of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including compromise of your Account Information, it is your responsibility to immediately notify us. How to delete your account data 1. Login Game 2. Contact Customer Service 3. Send:”Delete Account” 4. Wait for proceed 5. You can also delete your user information by uninstalling the app.
Policy with Respect to Persons Under 18 Years of Age This product is intended for use by those 18 or older for amusement purposes only. Without prejudice to the above, we do not knowingly collect personal information from people under the age of 13. We will take immediate steps to delete such Account Information as soon as it is detected.


SS TECH VENTURE currently appoints Mr. Jai Sengar as the Grievance Officer. All complaints relating to personal data must be sent to the Grievance Officer at